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International Symposium of Cardiovascular Imaging - DIC 2021

An Imaging Tour Around The World

Uma atualização com palestrantes líderes mundiais em suas respectivas áreas. Não deixe de participar e se atualizar através deste grande fórum e tirar suas dúvidas com os maiores experts do mundo.

Dr. Carlos Rochitte

Presidente do DIC-SBC

Bill Oxford 8U 2Imjavqs Unsplash


O Simpósio Internacional do DIC é uma atividade científica primariamente voltada para profissionais especialistas em imagem cardiovascular, mas que também cobre aspectos de interesse de cardiologistas e médicos envolvidos no cuidado das doenças cardiovasculares


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SALA 1 - echocardiography

Session – New Developments in the evaluation of ventricular function

Moderator: Wilson Mathias e Jeane Tsutsui 

Old Stuff – M Mode, Tei index, MAPSE and S wave – does it adds anything to the clinical picture?

Speaker: Ricardo Ronderos (12 min.)

LVEF with or without myocardial oppacification. What should I do?

Speaker: Thomas Porter (12 min.)

LV Longitudinal Strain: clinical value in different scenarios

Speaker: Victoria Delgado (12 min.)

RV Longitudinal Strain: technical pitfalls and clinical value

Speaker: Denisa Muraru (12 min.)

LA Longitudinal Strain: technical pitfalls and clinical value

Speaker: Matteo Cameli (12 min.)

Thansthoracic 3D echo: What is it’s additional value over traditional

methods for the evaluation of LV Function?

Speaker: Luigi Badano (12 min.)

Echo In SARS CoV2: What shall we look for?

Speaker: Bijoy K. Khandheria (12 min.)

Discussion (45 min.)

Session – Intervention echocardiography dependent

Moderator: David Le Bihan e Alexandre Abizaid

RASHKIND: Do we still need echo in order to perfom it?

Speaker: Victor Guerra (12 min.)

PFO and ASD: technical pitfalls for the begginer

Speaker: Ricardo Pignatelli (12 min.)

TAVI: Technical pitfalls of minimalist aproach

Speaker: Bernard Cosyns (12 min.)

Advantages of using TEE during TAVI

Speaker: Victoria Delgado (12 min.)

Valve in valve: What are the parameters and complications I should look for?

Speaker: Judd Hung (12 min.)

MITRA-FR and COAPT: lessons from winning and failing

Speaker: Federico Asch (12 min.)

Percutaneous tricuspid interventions: present and future

Speaker: Rebecca Hann (12 min.)

Discussion (45 min.)

Session – Heart Valve Disease for Everyday Practice 

Moderator: André L. C. de Almeida e Marcelo Vieira

Mitral Valve Prolapse or MV Billowing: What are the criteria and how should. I properly and easily name it?

Speaker: Denisa Muraru (12 min.)

Mitral valve prolapse in the octagenarian: When to intervene?

Speaker: Maurice Sarano (12 min.)

Mitral regurgitation: to quantify of not quantify: That is the question

Speaker: Maurice Sarano (12 min.)

Aortic Stenosis with normal flow: How to determine the best timing for


Speaker:  Juan Carlo Plana (12 min.)

Low Flow Low Gradient Aortic Stenosis with Preserved LVEF: How to

determine the best timing for intervention?

Speaker: Philippe Pibarot (12 min.)

Low Flow Low Gradient Aortic Stenosis with Depressed LVEF: How to

determine the individuals at the highest risk?

Speaker: Vera Rigollin (12 min.)

Tricuspid regurgitation: Step by step aproaches for determination of

mechanism, severity and impact on RV function and Cardiac output

Speaker: Roberto Lang (12 min.)

Discussion (45 min.)

SALA 2 - cardiovascular imaging

SESSION – Challenging Imaging in 2021 in Late-Postoperative of Congenital Heart Disease

Moderator: Claudia R. Pinheiro de Castro Grau, Gláucia Maria Penha Tavares, Renata de Sá Cassar e Adriana Mello Rodrigues Dos Santos

Transposition of great Arteries

Speaker: Vitor Guerra (30 min.)

Tetralogy Fallot

Speaker: Laura M Mercer-Rosa (30 min.)

Discussion (30 min.)

SESSION – Vascular Ultrasound Update

Moderator: Ana Albricker, Cláudia Freire, Mônica Alcântara e Simone Santos

Update – ASE Recommendations for the Assessment of Carotid Arterial Plaque by US

Speaker: Amer M. Johri (20 min.)

Applicability of ASE Recommendations

Speaker: Joseph Polak (20 min.)

Update – Interpretation of Peripheral Arterial Doppler waveforms and clinical implication of new terminology

Speaker: Esther S. H. Kim (20 min.)

Discussion (30 min.)

SESSION – Hot Topics in Nuclear Cardiology Around the World

Ronaldo Leão e Gabriel Grossman


How does Ischemia trial changes my practice?

Speaker: Randall C. Thompson (20 min.)

Best use of myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with suspect or known chronic coronary syndrome

Speaker: Robert C Hendel (20 min.)

Myocardial Flow Reserve with CZT – are we ready?

Speaker: Terence Ruddy (20 min.)

How is pyriphosphate scan amyloidosis is rewriting the epidemiology of a disease

Speaker: Sharmila Dorbala (20 min.)

PET in infectious e inflammatory diseases

Speaker: Panithaya Chareonthaitawee (20 min.)

Discussion (15 min.)

SESSION – Hot topics in CMR around the world

Moderator: Marly Uellendahl Lopes e Carlos Rochitte

Why CMR in Cardiac Amyloidosis?

Speaker: Marianna Fontana (20 min.)

CMR for valvopathies: What can it add to Echocardiogram?

Speaker: Bernard Guerber (20 min.)

CRM: What do arrhythmologists should know?

Speaker: Karen Ordovas (20 min.)

Positive troponin with normal coronary arteries: the role of CMR

Speaker: Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci  (20 min.)

Why we still need Myocardial Delayed Enhancement on the era of T1 Mapping?

Speaker: Han Kim (20 min.)

Discussion (30 min.)

SESSION – Coronary Computed Tomography Dilemas Around The World

Moderator: Rodrigo Julio Cerci

CCTA as the first test for patients with suspected CAD

Speaker: Armin Zadeh (20 min.)

Is assymptomatic patients screening the next step for CCTA?

Speaker: Michelle Williams (20 min.)

Where AI can help us on CCTA evaluation in 2021 (plaque analysis, FFR-CT and more)

Speaker: Pál Maurovich-Horvat (20 min.)

CT role in the follow up of percutaneous structural procedures

Speaker: João Cavaltante (20 min.)

Top 10 CCTA papers in 2020

Speaker: Todd Villines (20 min.)

Discussion (30 min.)


Moderator: Carlos Rochitte

Coronary Physiology Assessment for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease

Speaker: Marcelo Di Carli (20 min.)

Ultra-high resolution CT; the next frontier

Speaker: João A. C. Lima (20 min.)

Discussion (20 min.)

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